

  • I studied Philosophy in college at TCU and I love books by old dead guys. Theology and Philosophy books are my favorite!
  • I am obsessed w/ Alligators. For my 30th birthday my dad took me and my brother Alligator hunting, where I got to kill a big gator!
  • I have terrible taste in movies. I love cheesy action adventure movies. If there are swords or treasure involved its my type of movie. 
  • I have several guitars, all of which are white and gold.

About me

Hey, I'm Jamey! I was born and raised in Fort Worth TX and have lived within a 3 mile radius my whole life. Luckily it is my favorite city in the world and I love getting to call it home! I live here with my beautiful wife Melissa and our new beautiful baby girl Roosevelt Pearl.

I was sort of an awkward kid growing up and was never good at sports (I couldn't throw a football if my life depended on it), but my parents bought me a guitar in 6th grade hoping that music would be a better fit.  And it was! I started playing guitar w/ my little brother Geoff and we wound up forming a band with some friends to play "Sweet Home Alabama" in our middle school talent show. From that point on I became obsessed with with music.  When I was 15 and Geoff was 13, we started writing our own songs and re-named our band Green River Ordinance  (GRO). Playing music with my brother in GRO has taken me all over the world and I have gotten to do some pretty incredible things because of it. We have had singles on the radio, videos on TV, songs in movies, albums on top of the charts, and have played in everything from dive bars to arenas.  It has been a wild ride and this year marks our fifteen year anniversary of playing together. 

When I am not playing and traveling with my band you can find me honing in on my photography skills, hanging out at our restaurant BREWED, or working on some sort of house project. I love taking old neglected homes and bringing them back to life! I buy, rehabilitate, and sell old 1920's houses in the Fairmount Historic District of Fort Worth with my best friend Jimmy Williams. Together we have brought over 25 houses back to life through our real-estate company 6th Ave Homes

I am prone to wander and sometimes do stupid things, but God has been crazy good to me these past 32 years and continues to give me far more than I deserve. I love my little life in Fort Worth with my 2 beautiful girls and I would not change it for the world! As long as God keeps me on this earth I want to spend my time building community, creating art, and restoring things that have been neglected. Thanks for following my journey! 

